Saturday 6 September 2014

The Fear of Missing Out

Social media has created a new syndrome: FOMO (fear of missing out).

A national survey on social media behaviour by MyLife, a Web presence
management firm, has found that as the number of social networks continue to
grow, people are not only becoming overwhelmed but fearful of missing
something "important" should they decide to take a social break.

Of those surveyed, 56 percent of people are afraid of missing important
posts if they don't regularly check their social networks.

According to the study, the first thing 27 percent of people do upon waking
each morning is check their social networks and 35 percent spend more than
half an hour each day on social networking sites and responding to personal
e-mails. Of the 42 percent of people with multiple social accounts, 61
percent fall into the 18-34 age category.

The survey also discovered more than half of social network users want to
pull the plug on the habit. In fact, 52 percent have either taken or
considered taking a "vacation" from at least one social network in the past
year. Of the 52 percent, 41 percent stated it was because social updates
were not "relevant" while 32 percent indicated it was a drain on their time.

my motto is "Keep it simple" and "don't leave anything for tomorrow that can
be done today."

Regards Gerald Crawford

Stellenbosch South Africa
Cell: +27-0720390184 (mobile)

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Tuesday 10 December 2013

Nelson Mandela Tribute

Nelson Mandela Tribute - Madiba, Tata Mandela, Rolihlala -

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Friday 1 March 2013

Allowing Connections to Social Networking Sites

Social networking sites are still among the most used internet sites in
the world. Sites like Facebook have emerged as one of the biggest online
hangouts because people can interact with the people that they already
know as well as the ability to meet new people. Social media is not just
for the tech 3.0 company, even companies like small business payroll
services are interacting with their customer to improve their services
or promote selling. When you allow them to connect their social media
site to your site, you have the ability to get to know your customers as
well as the ability to further advertise. Those who visit your site will
be able to see all of the things which their friends like or dislike
about your company as well.

Facebook Polls

Another valuable tool that will assist you in determining other factors
of your website is Facebook Polls. You can give a poll to a particular
demographic to see if it is wise to launch a product to that demographic
before you make the launch. This saves you from time, effort, and
disappointment. Facebook Polls is very powerful and will work well
because you already have the age, sex, and marital status of your users.
This information is an excellent tool to help you focus your efforts on
only those who are relevant.

Facebook Social Ads

What makes social ads so powerful and unique, is their direct
interaction with the news feeds of your friends and fans. This gives you
an advantage because anyone who has added you as a friend will see
information about your business directly on their profile.

This is also an advantage because you can directly control who sees your
ads, which helps you to target your traffic without much effort. As with
any kind of marketing, targeting your traffic has proven time after time
to raise your conversions.

Friday 7 December 2012

Great cinema brought to life on Facebook

Great cinema brought to life on Facebook

Cinema's greatest moments are being brought to life on Facebook for
Ster-Kinekor and Cinema Nouveau by Artifact Advertising, who has
recently been appointed as Ster-Kinekor's digital agency in charge of
managing its social media platforms. Artifact Advertising will manage
both Ster-Kinekor and Cinema Nouveau's Facebook pages, bringing South
Africans a more enriching interactive experience.
"Social media is changing the way we interact with the world, as a
result of the increased popularity and widespread use of social media in
South Africa. Brands such as Ster-Kinekor and Cinema Nouveau know the
value and importance of connecting via Facebook to their customers. It's
become about leveraging the possibilities that exist within social
media, and bringing content to the fans that will ensure that
Ster-Kinekor and Cinema Nouveau remain the place for great moments,"
says Artifact's Social Media Manager, Callan Van Aswegen.

South Africa's access to info about art films has taken a quantum leap
forward with the launch of the Cinema Nouveau's Facebook page. At the
same time, Ster-Kinekor's fresh and innovative Facebook campaigns are
sure to prove a success amongst its fans, who will now benefit from more
competitions and engaging content.

With these innovations, and an eye set firmly on the future, Artifact
intends to keep evolving the ways in which it engages Ster-Kinekor and
Cinema Nouveau fans, ensuring that we bring the best possible social
media experience to users online.

Ster-Kinekor's social media platform will allow fans to connect via
Facebook, instantly to access the latest movie and celebrity news, share
movie experiences with friends and family and to book tickets effortlessly.

Artifact's Strategic Director, Lindy Taoushiani, said Artifact was
pleased to be associated with Ster-Kinekor and Cinema Nouveau and with a
Facebook community in excess of 31,000 already on Ster-Kinekor's page,
we are excited to be part of the growth that will inevitably follow for
both pages.

Artifact Advertising is excited to deliver great moments at their
greatest with both Facebook pages. Content will be engaging, offering
multimedia content about all of the cinema's current and forthcoming
attractions. Artifact is set to grow South Africa's biggest cinema
chains' social media presence across South Africa. For more information,
visit our website at or follow us on Twitter at

my motto is "Keep it simple" and "don't leave anything for tomorrow that can be done today."

If you have any questions or comments please contact me.

Regards Gerald

Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru

Thursday 15 November 2012

You Aren’t Getting Results From Your Facebook Page

You Aren't Getting Results From Your Facebook Page

There are several reasons why this is happening. When you know what
obstacles you are facing, it will be easy to come up with solutions and
start seeing better results with your Facebook page.

• You don't know EdgeRank.

EdgeRank is Facebook's own algorithm that was developed to determine
what content is displayed, when and where, on your followers' new feeds.
The score is comprised of several factors based on how much interaction
your posts generate with your fans. That is, how often they 'like' and
leave comments on your posts, photos and videos.

The deciding elements are time decay, weight, and affinity.

• Time Decay: How long your content has been posted. The longer it has
been posted, the less value it has. For this reason, you want to make
sure you get a lot of interaction quickly to keep it in the news feed.

• Weight: Each action (like, comment, share) has its own "weight" with
some having more than others (like < comment).

• Affinity: Depends on the interaction with your brand. If a user
engages with your posts regularly by leaving comments and 'likes,' then
your content will appear in their news feed regularly.

This is why it is important to stay on top of your Facebook Insights.
When you look and see what types of posts have been the most popular
(photos versus text), you will be able to curate your content to match
what works best. You can also look at what time of day your content gets
the most response and set your social media posting accordingly.

• Most of your fans look but don't touch.

What this means is, for the most part, your fans are not interacting
with you on Facebook. They will scan over your post and keep scrolling
without so much as a 'like,' let alone a comment.

It could be their attention was immediately drawn somewhere else. If
that is the case, you need to do something to shake things up a bit. If
your text posts aren't getting much of a response, try using an
attention-grabbing image in your post or a short video.

People online do not have a long attention span, so it is important to
get them to notice you quickly. Try writing some headlines that sound
enticing. Ask a specific question and encourage their answers. Hold
contests and offer prizes.

Find out what makes them engage with you and stick with it.

• You're not using Facebook Ads, Offers and Promoted Posts.

Facebook now offers promoted posts that guarantee your post will reach a
large number of your followers. You can also pay for a Facebook ad that
will be on the sidebar of Facebook News Feeds to help reach more people.

Facebook Offers are a great way to get more people to try your products
and services. You can post an offer giving away an item to the first 100
people to claim the offer in store or online.

With an offer, anyone who claims it will have it appear in their news
feed, sharing it with all of his or her own Facebook circle. That means
more people taking notice of you and your brand.

• You don't have a clear strategy.

With social media, you cannot just post and wait for things to happen.
It's important to continue to engage your fans. Discover what they like
to talk about, what they think is important and use it to write posts
strategically. If you know you get more reactions with photos, make sure
you are including them often.

To be successful in social media, you need to have a plan. Do your
research into what topics are trending. Keep an eye on your Insights to
make sure you are getting the interaction you want. Make changes as
necessary to your content in order to keep your fans engaged.

What have you done to get more results from Facebook? How are you
getting creative to boost your fan base?

my motto is "Keep it simple" and "don't leave anything for tomorrow that
can be done today."

If you have any questions or comments please contact me.

Regards Gerald

Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru