Wednesday 24 October 2012



What it is: It is the most popular social network with over 800 million
users. People usually build profiles to keep in touch with family and
friends. Lately it has been used by businesses as a marketing tool. On
Facebook people can send and receive messages, chat online, post pictures
and share links and videos. They can also "like" a page. There are six types
of pages: local businesses, companies, products, artists, entertainment and
community. Facebook offers many options to interact such as the Wall, photo
albums, comments space and the "like" button, where people click if they
like the comment or post. If users don't like something or someone, they
have the option of blocking the person's updates or deleting the person from
their profile.

What do you need to know: Facebook is a great way to generate customer
loyalty and there are many ways to do it. But because it's a very personal
network, people don't appreciate when businesses overload their pages with
information or un-wanted promotions and they usually block the pages if that
happens. The best way to increase interaction is by sharing useful content,
asking customers' opinions and giving quick answers - Facebook users really
expect you to reply A.S.A.P. In other words, show you care about them and
they'll care about you.

Vocabulary you need to know:

Wall - page where people post and receive comments;

NewsFeed - page where Facebook shows the users what is going on with friends
and pages they like. It shows popular posts first and then most recent ones.

my motto is "Keep it simple" and "don't leave anything for tomorrow that can
be done today."

If you have any questions or comments please contact me.

Regards Gerald

Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru

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Wednesday 17 October 2012

Facebook Good Way to Interact With Brands

Facebook Good Way to Interact With Brands

A brand's Facebook page can be more useful than its website, according to a
recent study.

Of the 87 percent of Facebook users who 'like' brands on the social media
site, 50 percent prefer the brand's Facebook page over the company's
website, a study by Lab42 found.

"Only five years ago, the term 'like' was just another word used to describe
one's preferences," reads the Lab42 blog. "In today's digital universe,
however, the notion of 'liking' something has become ubiquitous.

"Liking is one of the primary ways people exert their tastes and preferences
online, and it has created an entirely new type of conversation - one
between consumers and brands."

In fact, 82 percent of people polled described Facebook as a good place to
interact with brands, while 35 percent feel brands listen to them more on

Seventy-five percent said Facebook makes them feel more connected to brands
while 69 percent said they have liked a brand because a friend has done so.

Most Facebook users 'like' brands to receive something in return such as
promos, discounts or free giveaways. Only 14 percent said they clicked 'like'
out of loyalty to the brand.

Seventy-seven percent of users said they saved money after 'liking' a brand
on Facebook, with 66 percent saving $20 or more in the previous year and 17
percent saving $100 or more, the report found.

Other findings included:

. 46 percent 'liked' a brand with no intention to buy.

Of those:

. 52 percent wanted a free item.

. 46 percent 'like,' but can't afford.

. 24 percent 'liked' to help friend.

Seventy-three percent of Facebook users have disliked a brand because the
brand posted too frequently, they no longer like the brand or because of a
bad customer experience.

Forty-seven percent of social media users who don't like brands said
newsfeed clutter was the key reason, while one-third don't want to be
contacted by brands. Three out of 10 say they avoid liking brands because of
privacy concerns.

my motto is "Keep it simple" and "don't leave anything for tomorrow that can
be done today."

If you have any questions or comments please contact me.

Regards Gerald

Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru

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Sunday 14 October 2012

Facebook vs. Twitter

Ever wondered what kind of people are using social media in South Africa?

A recent study has shed some light on our country's techno-savvy, uncovering
some rather fascinating findings about everything from how active users are,
to times certain websites get the most visits, and even what exactly people
are getting up to at any given moment!

For example, did you know that the biggest percentage of South Africans on
Facebook are over 60? Yup, that's right!

So although you might find your mom's comments and pictures totally
embarrassing, the older folk are the biggest group of users in the country.
Kind of impressive, don't you agree?

The South African Social Media Landscape 2012 study, produced by technology
market researchers World Wide Worx and information analysts Fuseware, also
shows that South Africa has crossed the age barrier, the urban/rural divide
and even the relationship gap.

Here are some more figures:

. 5.33-million South Africans are using Facebook on the Web

. 6.8-million people access Facebook on their phones.

. Twitter gets 100 000 new users a month, with a total of 2,43-million
South African users.

. Mxit is used by whopping 9,35-million people

. LinkedIn has grown substantially, but at a slightly lower rate, to
reach 1,93-million South Africans.

. Pinterest is the least popular (and youngest) major social network,
with only 150 000 users in South Africa.

. WhatsApp has become the leading instant messaging tool among South
Africans aged 16 and over, living in cities and towns, with a user base of

. The youngest mobile instant messaging tool to emerge on the measurement
radar in South Africa, 2Go, has close to a million adult users

. The most common "Check In" sites for Facebook in South Africa are
airports and shopping malls.

. The biggest tweeting day of the week is a Monday, with an average of
9,6-million tweets sent by South Africans on the first working day of the
week. Friday is next, with 9.6-million, while Saturday is the slowest
Twitter day, with 8,4-million tweets.

. Both Facebook and Twitter have crossed the urban/rural divide. The
proportion of urban adults using Facebook is a little less than double rural
users while Twitter's urban penetration is a little more than double its
rural penetration.

. Both Facebook and Twitter have grown at a similar rate, at around 100
000 new users a month, for the past year.

my motto is "Keep it simple" and "don't leave anything for tomorrow that can
be done today."

If you have any questions or comments please contact me.

Regards Gerald

Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru

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Thursday 11 October 2012

Facebook Traffic Rules

Facebook Traffic Rules

Here are 10 statistics your Facebook Insights tell you about driving traffic
to your website:

1. The post type that drives the most traffic - Insights provides statistics
to analyze your content by post type; posts made directly on your page,
photos, links, videos, questions, posts from 3rd party apps. This data will
allow you to see which type of post generates the most engagement.

2. The gender and age of the people who like your page - Insights provides
statistics for how many females and males overall and the percentages of
each within 6 age brackets: 13-17, 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54 and 55+. This
data shows you which age bracket is most interested in your content.

3. Which countries liked your page the most - Insights provides statistics
for the top countries with the highest number of people who liked your page
during a specific period of time. This data provides a guide to making
decisions about marketing to different countries.

4. Which cities sent the most traffic - Insights provides statistics for the
top cities with the highest number of people who liked your page during a
specific period of time. This shows you which city has the most interest in
your content.

5. The most popular language of your traffic - Insights provides the number
of people who "Liked" your page during a specific time period broken down by
the top languages. This data show you the most popular language your
visitors speak.

6. Which post engaged your users the most - Insights provides the number of
unique people who have clicked on your post. The clicks are tracked up to 28
days after your post was originally published. You can view these statistics
for all post types or by a specific post. This data tells you which type of
post generates the most engagement from your traffic so you can create more
of that format.

7. Where your Likes came from - Insights provides statistics on "Like"
sources. You can see the number of times your page was liked, broken down by
where the like happened. Likes can happen in different places including your
Page, from News Feeds or on your website. This data can tell you which
source provided the most traffic to your page.

8. How many people unliked your page - Insights provides statistics on the
total number of unique people who unliked your page each day for a specific
period of time. This data gives you an idea of which type of post caused
people to unlike your page.

9. How many people your content reached - Insights provides statistics on
the number of unique people who were friends with the people who liked your
pages on a specific date - the number of uniques who have seen any content
associated with your page. This data tells you the total reach potential
your post had for your visitors and their friends.

10. Who is talking about your page - Insights provides statistics about the
percentage of people who share your info from each age and gender bracket.
The number of people who talked about your page is broken down by country
and city. This data tells you the number of unique people who shared your
post and the viral reach of your post.

If you have 30 people or more who have liked your Facebook Business Page,
you can access Insights to view your traffic activity.

my motto is "Keep it simple" and "don't leave anything for tomorrow that can
be done today."

If you have any questions or comments please contact me.

Regards Gerald

Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru

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Friday 5 October 2012

Facebook for Business

Facebook for Business

Facebook, of course, is the biggie. If you want to build long-term
relationships with your customers, convert one-time buyers into loyal fans,
and attract new customers, Facebook is where you should spend the bulk of
your time.

According to Facebook, more than 900 million people are active on the
website - and users like and comment to the tune of 3.2 billion times every
day. A strong presence on the platform will help ensure you get a piece of
that action. How? When your biz has become part of the conversation on
Facebook, you're getting one of the most powerful kinds of advertising on
the planet - viral word-of-mouth.

To get started, here's the official word from one of Facebook's business
help pages:

Image 1:

You can create traditional ads or advertise special offers that fans can
claim to encourage participation on your page. Facebook tries to help your
business gain as much exposure as possible by making friends eligible to
view fans' interaction with your page.

What's really cool about Facebook is that the recent IPO has caused
Zuckerberg and Co. to ramp up the tools, advertising options, and customer
service offered to businesses. You get the sweet end of that deal, and you
can expect more gadgets and goodies to come in the months going forward.

my motto is "Keep it simple" and "don't leave anything for tomorrow that can
be done today."

If you have any questions or comments please contact me.

Regards Gerald

Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru

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