Thursday 11 October 2012

Facebook Traffic Rules

Facebook Traffic Rules

Here are 10 statistics your Facebook Insights tell you about driving traffic
to your website:

1. The post type that drives the most traffic - Insights provides statistics
to analyze your content by post type; posts made directly on your page,
photos, links, videos, questions, posts from 3rd party apps. This data will
allow you to see which type of post generates the most engagement.

2. The gender and age of the people who like your page - Insights provides
statistics for how many females and males overall and the percentages of
each within 6 age brackets: 13-17, 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54 and 55+. This
data shows you which age bracket is most interested in your content.

3. Which countries liked your page the most - Insights provides statistics
for the top countries with the highest number of people who liked your page
during a specific period of time. This data provides a guide to making
decisions about marketing to different countries.

4. Which cities sent the most traffic - Insights provides statistics for the
top cities with the highest number of people who liked your page during a
specific period of time. This shows you which city has the most interest in
your content.

5. The most popular language of your traffic - Insights provides the number
of people who "Liked" your page during a specific time period broken down by
the top languages. This data show you the most popular language your
visitors speak.

6. Which post engaged your users the most - Insights provides the number of
unique people who have clicked on your post. The clicks are tracked up to 28
days after your post was originally published. You can view these statistics
for all post types or by a specific post. This data tells you which type of
post generates the most engagement from your traffic so you can create more
of that format.

7. Where your Likes came from - Insights provides statistics on "Like"
sources. You can see the number of times your page was liked, broken down by
where the like happened. Likes can happen in different places including your
Page, from News Feeds or on your website. This data can tell you which
source provided the most traffic to your page.

8. How many people unliked your page - Insights provides statistics on the
total number of unique people who unliked your page each day for a specific
period of time. This data gives you an idea of which type of post caused
people to unlike your page.

9. How many people your content reached - Insights provides statistics on
the number of unique people who were friends with the people who liked your
pages on a specific date - the number of uniques who have seen any content
associated with your page. This data tells you the total reach potential
your post had for your visitors and their friends.

10. Who is talking about your page - Insights provides statistics about the
percentage of people who share your info from each age and gender bracket.
The number of people who talked about your page is broken down by country
and city. This data tells you the number of unique people who shared your
post and the viral reach of your post.

If you have 30 people or more who have liked your Facebook Business Page,
you can access Insights to view your traffic activity.

my motto is "Keep it simple" and "don't leave anything for tomorrow that can
be done today."

If you have any questions or comments please contact me.

Regards Gerald

Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru

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