Friday 5 October 2012

Facebook for Business

Facebook for Business

Facebook, of course, is the biggie. If you want to build long-term
relationships with your customers, convert one-time buyers into loyal fans,
and attract new customers, Facebook is where you should spend the bulk of
your time.

According to Facebook, more than 900 million people are active on the
website - and users like and comment to the tune of 3.2 billion times every
day. A strong presence on the platform will help ensure you get a piece of
that action. How? When your biz has become part of the conversation on
Facebook, you're getting one of the most powerful kinds of advertising on
the planet - viral word-of-mouth.

To get started, here's the official word from one of Facebook's business
help pages:

Image 1:

You can create traditional ads or advertise special offers that fans can
claim to encourage participation on your page. Facebook tries to help your
business gain as much exposure as possible by making friends eligible to
view fans' interaction with your page.

What's really cool about Facebook is that the recent IPO has caused
Zuckerberg and Co. to ramp up the tools, advertising options, and customer
service offered to businesses. You get the sweet end of that deal, and you
can expect more gadgets and goodies to come in the months going forward.

my motto is "Keep it simple" and "don't leave anything for tomorrow that can
be done today."

If you have any questions or comments please contact me.

Regards Gerald

Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru

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