Wednesday 7 November 2012

New Timeline Features Brands Should Be Using

New Timeline Features Brands Should Be Using

Take some time to explore the in-depth features of the newly improved admin
panel. Much of the old Facebook insights are still included, but the
revamped version is much easier on the eyes, and includes additional
insightful aspects such as:

- You can now view the date that a new fan "Likes" your page. Get creative
and personal with this new feature by highlighting and/or thanking the new
fan for liking your page.
- The ability to see which month your page was most engaging. Take some
time to explore this feature as it can be very telling about what content
worked and what did not.
- A more streamline demo report. Places, languages, ages, and the gender of
your fans are broken down into an easy-to-read graph.

Take some time to play around with the new user-friendly features - you can
even export the data into a PDF to analyze a clean report with your team!

2. Pinned Post

Many social media specialists are positioning the "pinned post" feature as
the alternative to the loss of the landing page, but this option is not
simply a replacement for your "Like Us" app. Think of "pinned posts" as a
rotating billboard for current news, campaigns, or any aspect of your brand
that you want to highlight. Remember that this new feature only stays at the
top for 7 days, so rotate the post when you have other prominent content to
share with community.

3. Front and Center Recommendations

Facebook recommendations are now taking a more visible place on your page.
Although this isn't a new feature, it was once housed on the far right hand
side, hidden in the clutter of ads. The new location creates an even
stronger impact when users visit your page. Brainstorm ways to take full
advantage of this aspect, maybe incentivize customers to recommend your page
if they've had a positive experience.

4. Fan Messaging

The new Facebook proves to mimic personal pages even further with the
introduction of Facebook messaging for brands. This is a prime place to
direct users to take a question, concern, or inquiry to a private place.
Users who post on your page are already a bit muted in terms of visibility -
so offering to take the conversation to messaging is a perfect way to focus
on a fan, one to one.

It's time to start taking advantage of the many new aspects of Timeline.
Take some time to really dig into the admin panel, highlight a new "Liker,"
use pinned posts as new place to bring attention to your new campaign, or
give a fan your full attention via messaging. The new Facebook features can
only enhance your page presence and captivate your audience even further.

The floor's all yours: How have you taken advantage of the new Facebook

my motto is "Keep it simple" and "don't leave anything for tomorrow that can
be done today."

If you have any questions or comments please contact me.

Regards Gerald

Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru

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