Thursday 15 November 2012

Set Up a Powerful Facebook Business Page

Set Up a Powerful Facebook Business Page

In the world of affiliate marketing Facebook is a powerhouse of
marketing. Affiliate marketing is a type of business and by now you will
be well aware that every business should really have a presence on
Facebook as it provides so much in the way of opportunity. It's a good
place to build a community and it can also be a good source of traffic
to your products. Let's look at how to set up a powerful Facebook
business page that will enable you to engage with your connections.

Plan Your Page - the first step is to create your page online. This
needs to be planned so that it is preferably right the first time
around. You'll need to think about using a keyword as part of your page
title. For example, if you sell health products then make this part of
your business page title. This will then be something that can be useful
for the search engines, both inside Facebook and outside of it in Google.

Use the Fields - there are plenty of areas to add words on the page, be
sure to use them. Add your website link, description and what your
company/business/page is all about. Add your website to the 'About'
section so that people can find it easy to click through to you.
Remember with all sales including affiliate marketing – you mustn't spam
– use your writing to build desire.

Add Photos - add your products in a variety of photo albums for easy
viewing. Part of what people love about Facebook is being able to look
at photos. Five of the photos will be shown randomly across the top of
your Facebook business page. Ideally you should create a profile picture
that communicates something about your business – i.e. what it does,
it's brand image and your website if you have one. It should ideally tie
in with the brand image on your website or your blog.

Finding People to 'Like' Your Page - suggest your page to your friends
on Facebook to get started. Add an icon through to your Facebook page
from your website. Also post your Facebook page up on any other social
sites that you use such as Twitter. If you use any marketing material
such as business cards or email signatures, then add your page to those
too. Even with affiliate marketing – operating under a business can have
it's benefits as you grow – you may decide to present yourself with a
particular brand image. Once you have 25 people connected to your page,
you will be able to sign up for a vanity URL on Facebook and select a
URL for your Facebook page.

Use Your Page - post your blogs and other information that people may
find interesting and relevant to your niche. Don't do the sales spiel or
you'll lose some of your connections because it's a version of spamming.
Affiliate marketing should be the same as other marketing – i.e. all
about building desire for a product. You should mention the benefits of
your products.

Monitor Your Progress - the main goals of your Facebook page should be
to grow your connections and to develop your interactions. You can
measure how well you are doing by checking on the 'insights' link of
your page. You will see several graphs detailing how well you are doing
on these two fronts.

By following the above suggestions, you will be growing your affiliate
marketing business in a way that will bring you more sales.

my motto is "Keep it simple" and "don't leave anything for tomorrow that
can be done today."

If you have any questions or comments please contact me.

Regards Gerald

Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru

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