Friday 7 December 2012

Great cinema brought to life on Facebook

Great cinema brought to life on Facebook

Cinema's greatest moments are being brought to life on Facebook for
Ster-Kinekor and Cinema Nouveau by Artifact Advertising, who has
recently been appointed as Ster-Kinekor's digital agency in charge of
managing its social media platforms. Artifact Advertising will manage
both Ster-Kinekor and Cinema Nouveau's Facebook pages, bringing South
Africans a more enriching interactive experience.
"Social media is changing the way we interact with the world, as a
result of the increased popularity and widespread use of social media in
South Africa. Brands such as Ster-Kinekor and Cinema Nouveau know the
value and importance of connecting via Facebook to their customers. It's
become about leveraging the possibilities that exist within social
media, and bringing content to the fans that will ensure that
Ster-Kinekor and Cinema Nouveau remain the place for great moments,"
says Artifact's Social Media Manager, Callan Van Aswegen.

South Africa's access to info about art films has taken a quantum leap
forward with the launch of the Cinema Nouveau's Facebook page. At the
same time, Ster-Kinekor's fresh and innovative Facebook campaigns are
sure to prove a success amongst its fans, who will now benefit from more
competitions and engaging content.

With these innovations, and an eye set firmly on the future, Artifact
intends to keep evolving the ways in which it engages Ster-Kinekor and
Cinema Nouveau fans, ensuring that we bring the best possible social
media experience to users online.

Ster-Kinekor's social media platform will allow fans to connect via
Facebook, instantly to access the latest movie and celebrity news, share
movie experiences with friends and family and to book tickets effortlessly.

Artifact's Strategic Director, Lindy Taoushiani, said Artifact was
pleased to be associated with Ster-Kinekor and Cinema Nouveau and with a
Facebook community in excess of 31,000 already on Ster-Kinekor's page,
we are excited to be part of the growth that will inevitably follow for
both pages.

Artifact Advertising is excited to deliver great moments at their
greatest with both Facebook pages. Content will be engaging, offering
multimedia content about all of the cinema's current and forthcoming
attractions. Artifact is set to grow South Africa's biggest cinema
chains' social media presence across South Africa. For more information,
visit our website at or follow us on Twitter at

my motto is "Keep it simple" and "don't leave anything for tomorrow that can be done today."

If you have any questions or comments please contact me.

Regards Gerald

Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru

Thursday 15 November 2012

You Aren’t Getting Results From Your Facebook Page

You Aren't Getting Results From Your Facebook Page

There are several reasons why this is happening. When you know what
obstacles you are facing, it will be easy to come up with solutions and
start seeing better results with your Facebook page.

• You don't know EdgeRank.

EdgeRank is Facebook's own algorithm that was developed to determine
what content is displayed, when and where, on your followers' new feeds.
The score is comprised of several factors based on how much interaction
your posts generate with your fans. That is, how often they 'like' and
leave comments on your posts, photos and videos.

The deciding elements are time decay, weight, and affinity.

• Time Decay: How long your content has been posted. The longer it has
been posted, the less value it has. For this reason, you want to make
sure you get a lot of interaction quickly to keep it in the news feed.

• Weight: Each action (like, comment, share) has its own "weight" with
some having more than others (like < comment).

• Affinity: Depends on the interaction with your brand. If a user
engages with your posts regularly by leaving comments and 'likes,' then
your content will appear in their news feed regularly.

This is why it is important to stay on top of your Facebook Insights.
When you look and see what types of posts have been the most popular
(photos versus text), you will be able to curate your content to match
what works best. You can also look at what time of day your content gets
the most response and set your social media posting accordingly.

• Most of your fans look but don't touch.

What this means is, for the most part, your fans are not interacting
with you on Facebook. They will scan over your post and keep scrolling
without so much as a 'like,' let alone a comment.

It could be their attention was immediately drawn somewhere else. If
that is the case, you need to do something to shake things up a bit. If
your text posts aren't getting much of a response, try using an
attention-grabbing image in your post or a short video.

People online do not have a long attention span, so it is important to
get them to notice you quickly. Try writing some headlines that sound
enticing. Ask a specific question and encourage their answers. Hold
contests and offer prizes.

Find out what makes them engage with you and stick with it.

• You're not using Facebook Ads, Offers and Promoted Posts.

Facebook now offers promoted posts that guarantee your post will reach a
large number of your followers. You can also pay for a Facebook ad that
will be on the sidebar of Facebook News Feeds to help reach more people.

Facebook Offers are a great way to get more people to try your products
and services. You can post an offer giving away an item to the first 100
people to claim the offer in store or online.

With an offer, anyone who claims it will have it appear in their news
feed, sharing it with all of his or her own Facebook circle. That means
more people taking notice of you and your brand.

• You don't have a clear strategy.

With social media, you cannot just post and wait for things to happen.
It's important to continue to engage your fans. Discover what they like
to talk about, what they think is important and use it to write posts
strategically. If you know you get more reactions with photos, make sure
you are including them often.

To be successful in social media, you need to have a plan. Do your
research into what topics are trending. Keep an eye on your Insights to
make sure you are getting the interaction you want. Make changes as
necessary to your content in order to keep your fans engaged.

What have you done to get more results from Facebook? How are you
getting creative to boost your fan base?

my motto is "Keep it simple" and "don't leave anything for tomorrow that
can be done today."

If you have any questions or comments please contact me.

Regards Gerald

Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru

Set Up a Powerful Facebook Business Page

Set Up a Powerful Facebook Business Page

In the world of affiliate marketing Facebook is a powerhouse of
marketing. Affiliate marketing is a type of business and by now you will
be well aware that every business should really have a presence on
Facebook as it provides so much in the way of opportunity. It's a good
place to build a community and it can also be a good source of traffic
to your products. Let's look at how to set up a powerful Facebook
business page that will enable you to engage with your connections.

Plan Your Page - the first step is to create your page online. This
needs to be planned so that it is preferably right the first time
around. You'll need to think about using a keyword as part of your page
title. For example, if you sell health products then make this part of
your business page title. This will then be something that can be useful
for the search engines, both inside Facebook and outside of it in Google.

Use the Fields - there are plenty of areas to add words on the page, be
sure to use them. Add your website link, description and what your
company/business/page is all about. Add your website to the 'About'
section so that people can find it easy to click through to you.
Remember with all sales including affiliate marketing – you mustn't spam
– use your writing to build desire.

Add Photos - add your products in a variety of photo albums for easy
viewing. Part of what people love about Facebook is being able to look
at photos. Five of the photos will be shown randomly across the top of
your Facebook business page. Ideally you should create a profile picture
that communicates something about your business – i.e. what it does,
it's brand image and your website if you have one. It should ideally tie
in with the brand image on your website or your blog.

Finding People to 'Like' Your Page - suggest your page to your friends
on Facebook to get started. Add an icon through to your Facebook page
from your website. Also post your Facebook page up on any other social
sites that you use such as Twitter. If you use any marketing material
such as business cards or email signatures, then add your page to those
too. Even with affiliate marketing – operating under a business can have
it's benefits as you grow – you may decide to present yourself with a
particular brand image. Once you have 25 people connected to your page,
you will be able to sign up for a vanity URL on Facebook and select a
URL for your Facebook page.

Use Your Page - post your blogs and other information that people may
find interesting and relevant to your niche. Don't do the sales spiel or
you'll lose some of your connections because it's a version of spamming.
Affiliate marketing should be the same as other marketing – i.e. all
about building desire for a product. You should mention the benefits of
your products.

Monitor Your Progress - the main goals of your Facebook page should be
to grow your connections and to develop your interactions. You can
measure how well you are doing by checking on the 'insights' link of
your page. You will see several graphs detailing how well you are doing
on these two fronts.

By following the above suggestions, you will be growing your affiliate
marketing business in a way that will bring you more sales.

my motto is "Keep it simple" and "don't leave anything for tomorrow that
can be done today."

If you have any questions or comments please contact me.

Regards Gerald

Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru

Facebook Page Features You’re Overlooking

Facebook Page Features You're Overlooking

Here are six features that you might not have noticed:

New Insights Metrics

You can see the performance of your posts based on the reactions of your
fans, including:

• Lifetime of post reach.
• Lifetime of post paid reach.
• Lifetime of post impressions.
• Lifetime of post paid impressions.
• Lifetime of post stories.
• Lifetime of people who engaged with posts.
• Lifetime of people talking about your posts.

To find these metrics, click on 'page insights,' then 'export data,'
choose 'data type,' then 'post level data,' choose the 'data range' and
click 'download.'

Onsite Notification

If you combine your personal profile with your business page management,
you can get notifications of fan messages and comments, new posts and
likes. To start getting these notifications, click on 'admin panel,'
then 'edit page,' hit manage 'notifications' and then 'onsite
notification.' Just check off the box to enable these notifications.

Arrange Posts By Metrics

You don't have to view your posts in chronological order anymore. Now
you can have them listed based on certain metrics, such as 'engaged
users,' 'reach,' 'virality,' and 'talking about this.' These options
allow you to see what posts are performing better without having to
scroll through date-by-date. You can change the order simply by clicking
on the label on the table.

Use The "Voice" to Change Identity

You can switch between your brand profile and your personal profile when
you want to engage with users on your Facebook page by clicking on
'voice' at the top of your profile. This lets you respond to comments as
your company or yourself.

If you want to post as your brand outside of your own page, click on the
dropdown arrow at the top of your profile page and click 'use Facebook
as' and then your page.

View Page Subscribers

People can now subscribe to your Facebook page without liking it. This
adds your page to their interest list. You can see your page subscribers
by clicking 'new likes,' then 'see all.' Click 'subscribers' from the
dropdown menu to see the total number of subscribers in your 'insights.'

Targeted Page Posts

You can now target your posts based on several criteria: relationship
status, gender, interests, education level, age, language and location.
This can be really helpful if you use promoted posts to ensure you are
reaching a specific part of your audience. This feature is available to
pages with more than 5,000 fans. The post will only appear in news feeds
of fans who meet your targeting options but will also be visible to
anyone who looks at your timeline.

To stay on top of your social media marketing game, you need to keep up
with all of the new changes to Facebook pages. Know what tools they are
making available to you and you will have more success from all the
effort you are putting in.

What Facebook features do you think are the most helpful? What types of
features would you like to see in the future?

my motto is "Keep it simple" and "don't leave anything for tomorrow that
can be done today."

If you have any questions or comments please contact me.

Regards Gerald

Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru

Wednesday 7 November 2012

New Timeline Features Brands Should Be Using

New Timeline Features Brands Should Be Using

Take some time to explore the in-depth features of the newly improved admin
panel. Much of the old Facebook insights are still included, but the
revamped version is much easier on the eyes, and includes additional
insightful aspects such as:

- You can now view the date that a new fan "Likes" your page. Get creative
and personal with this new feature by highlighting and/or thanking the new
fan for liking your page.
- The ability to see which month your page was most engaging. Take some
time to explore this feature as it can be very telling about what content
worked and what did not.
- A more streamline demo report. Places, languages, ages, and the gender of
your fans are broken down into an easy-to-read graph.

Take some time to play around with the new user-friendly features - you can
even export the data into a PDF to analyze a clean report with your team!

2. Pinned Post

Many social media specialists are positioning the "pinned post" feature as
the alternative to the loss of the landing page, but this option is not
simply a replacement for your "Like Us" app. Think of "pinned posts" as a
rotating billboard for current news, campaigns, or any aspect of your brand
that you want to highlight. Remember that this new feature only stays at the
top for 7 days, so rotate the post when you have other prominent content to
share with community.

3. Front and Center Recommendations

Facebook recommendations are now taking a more visible place on your page.
Although this isn't a new feature, it was once housed on the far right hand
side, hidden in the clutter of ads. The new location creates an even
stronger impact when users visit your page. Brainstorm ways to take full
advantage of this aspect, maybe incentivize customers to recommend your page
if they've had a positive experience.

4. Fan Messaging

The new Facebook proves to mimic personal pages even further with the
introduction of Facebook messaging for brands. This is a prime place to
direct users to take a question, concern, or inquiry to a private place.
Users who post on your page are already a bit muted in terms of visibility -
so offering to take the conversation to messaging is a perfect way to focus
on a fan, one to one.

It's time to start taking advantage of the many new aspects of Timeline.
Take some time to really dig into the admin panel, highlight a new "Liker,"
use pinned posts as new place to bring attention to your new campaign, or
give a fan your full attention via messaging. The new Facebook features can
only enhance your page presence and captivate your audience even further.

The floor's all yours: How have you taken advantage of the new Facebook

my motto is "Keep it simple" and "don't leave anything for tomorrow that can
be done today."

If you have any questions or comments please contact me.

Regards Gerald

Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru

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Making the Most of Facebook Timelines

Making the Most of Facebook Timelines

Among the many exciting features that Facebook offers, the Timeline feature
is one of the most useful. If you use the feature properly, you will grab
the attention of your current and potential fans and keep them indefinitely.

Some of the Facebook Timeline features that can help you to do this are
milestones, highlighting and pinning. Those features can help you to
increase the number of people with whom, you interact online. The features
amplify what you would be doing already, only they do it in a bigger and
better way.

Using the Pinning Feature

When you are using the pinning feature, you are keeping your status update
at the top of your timeline. This needs to be done manually. If you use this
feature, your status update will not be able to move from wherever you "pin"
it no matter how many new status updates you add to your Facebook page after
that (within a seven-day time period). There are several useful pieces of
information that you will want to know:

* One at a Time: No matter how many items (status updates, posts, etc.) you
want to pin on your page, you can only pin one at a time.

* Where Your Pinned Post Will Appear: Your pinned post will always appear at
the top of your Facebook Timeline (on the left).

* The Length of Time that Pinning Lasts: After you pin a post on your
Facebook page, it will remain pinned for seven days unless you unpin it
before the seven days are up.

* How to Pin a Post: If you want to pin a post, you should click on the
pencil icon that appears in the upper right hand corner of your status
update. Once you have clicked on the icon, select "Pin to Top."

* How to Unpin a Post: If you want to unpin a post on your page, click on
the pencil icon in the top right hand corner of your pinned post and choose
the "unpin" option.

Pinning is a very useful feature because it gives you ideas on how to pin
most effectively for your business. You can offer to give something valuable
to your fans if they agree to "Like" your page or send you their contact
information. Another effective way to use the pinning feature is by pinning
something on your page that you would like your new visitors to see before
anything else. It basically works as a welcome message in that context.
Pinning works just as effectively with videos as it does with the written
word. You can put a welcome message above the link for the video and invite
your visitors to watch the video. If you don't want to use a video, you can
also use still graphics to get your point across.

Highlighting One of Your Posts

The term "highlighted post" means that you have a post that you choose to
put across your Timeline (the width of both columns). If you highlight the
post, you will be getting your visitors to pay attention to it and the
unwritten message that your visitors will get is that you consider it more
important than your other posts. You are letting them know that it is worth
paying attention to it. There are several pieces of information that you
will want to know about highlighting a post:

* Pinned Posts Versus Highlighted Posts: In general, pinned posts stand out
more than highlighted posts; however, highlighted posts hold a great deal of

* Limitations: Highlighted posts have no limitations.

* One at a Time: Facebook will not allow you to highlight and pin a post at
the same time. You need to choose which one you want to do.

* How to Highlight a Post: If you want to highlight a post, place your mouse
over the post (in the upper right hand corner). You will see a star icon.
Click on the star to highlight a post. If you want to unhighlight the post,
click on the star again.

* An Important Difference: Facebook does not allow you to keep a post at the
top of your Timeline once you have highlighted it. Highlighted posts appear
in chronological order. The more posts you highlight, the further down the
older highlighted posts will appear.

There are many wonderful ways in which you can effectively use the
Highlighting feature. You can highlight testimonials that people have
written about you and your business (with an image of the person who wrote
the testimonial, if that is appropriate). You can include it in your status
update and then highlight it so that people are drawn to it. Since there is
a likelihood that you will have many highlighted posts, you can create a
strategy of how you want to present those posts. That can be most effective.
You can also highlight a post that discusses new products and/or services
that your brand is offering.

Creating Milestones

A milestone is an incredible way to present a story for your business using
words and graphic images. You can include your business's mission statement
as part of the story as well. You are able to place them anywhere you wish
on your Timeline. The only placement limitation will be the date that you
actually place them. There are several pieces of information that you will
want to know when it comes to creating milestones:

* How to create a Milestone: If you want to create a milestone, click on
"Event, Milestones +" at the top of your screen.

* What You Need to do Next: You don't need to highlight milestones because
they are already highlighted. They will appear across both columns in your

* Creating Multiple Milestones: There is no issue with creating more than
one milestone for your Timeline.

* Going into the Past: You are not limited by time or date. If you have a
milestone that you want to create for today and you have milestones that you
want to post that occurred in the past, you are allowed to do that.

Using milestones as a tool can be extremely effective. You should
incorporate them as part of your social media marketing strategy. You can
use graphic images in your milestones, include a call-to-action or include
other compelling pieces of information that will be of value to your
visitors. Regarding graphic images, you should choose your cover photo
carefully. You want it to reflect who you are and what you represent in your

Facebook Timelines are valuable tools that are user-friendly and can be
instrumental at drawing more traffic to you and allowing you to establish
more relationships with other business people. Your online connections will
be valuable and you will benefit from one another. So, jump right in and
start making full use of Facebook Timelines for your business.

my motto is "Keep it simple" and "don't leave anything for tomorrow that can
be done today."

If you have any questions or comments please contact me.

Regards Gerald

Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru

I'm protected by SpamBrave

Wednesday 24 October 2012



What it is: It is the most popular social network with over 800 million
users. People usually build profiles to keep in touch with family and
friends. Lately it has been used by businesses as a marketing tool. On
Facebook people can send and receive messages, chat online, post pictures
and share links and videos. They can also "like" a page. There are six types
of pages: local businesses, companies, products, artists, entertainment and
community. Facebook offers many options to interact such as the Wall, photo
albums, comments space and the "like" button, where people click if they
like the comment or post. If users don't like something or someone, they
have the option of blocking the person's updates or deleting the person from
their profile.

What do you need to know: Facebook is a great way to generate customer
loyalty and there are many ways to do it. But because it's a very personal
network, people don't appreciate when businesses overload their pages with
information or un-wanted promotions and they usually block the pages if that
happens. The best way to increase interaction is by sharing useful content,
asking customers' opinions and giving quick answers - Facebook users really
expect you to reply A.S.A.P. In other words, show you care about them and
they'll care about you.

Vocabulary you need to know:

Wall - page where people post and receive comments;

NewsFeed - page where Facebook shows the users what is going on with friends
and pages they like. It shows popular posts first and then most recent ones.

my motto is "Keep it simple" and "don't leave anything for tomorrow that can
be done today."

If you have any questions or comments please contact me.

Regards Gerald

Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru

I'm protected by SpamBrave

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Facebook Good Way to Interact With Brands

Facebook Good Way to Interact With Brands

A brand's Facebook page can be more useful than its website, according to a
recent study.

Of the 87 percent of Facebook users who 'like' brands on the social media
site, 50 percent prefer the brand's Facebook page over the company's
website, a study by Lab42 found.

"Only five years ago, the term 'like' was just another word used to describe
one's preferences," reads the Lab42 blog. "In today's digital universe,
however, the notion of 'liking' something has become ubiquitous.

"Liking is one of the primary ways people exert their tastes and preferences
online, and it has created an entirely new type of conversation - one
between consumers and brands."

In fact, 82 percent of people polled described Facebook as a good place to
interact with brands, while 35 percent feel brands listen to them more on

Seventy-five percent said Facebook makes them feel more connected to brands
while 69 percent said they have liked a brand because a friend has done so.

Most Facebook users 'like' brands to receive something in return such as
promos, discounts or free giveaways. Only 14 percent said they clicked 'like'
out of loyalty to the brand.

Seventy-seven percent of users said they saved money after 'liking' a brand
on Facebook, with 66 percent saving $20 or more in the previous year and 17
percent saving $100 or more, the report found.

Other findings included:

. 46 percent 'liked' a brand with no intention to buy.

Of those:

. 52 percent wanted a free item.

. 46 percent 'like,' but can't afford.

. 24 percent 'liked' to help friend.

Seventy-three percent of Facebook users have disliked a brand because the
brand posted too frequently, they no longer like the brand or because of a
bad customer experience.

Forty-seven percent of social media users who don't like brands said
newsfeed clutter was the key reason, while one-third don't want to be
contacted by brands. Three out of 10 say they avoid liking brands because of
privacy concerns.

my motto is "Keep it simple" and "don't leave anything for tomorrow that can
be done today."

If you have any questions or comments please contact me.

Regards Gerald

Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru

I'm protected by SpamBrave

Sunday 14 October 2012

Facebook vs. Twitter

Ever wondered what kind of people are using social media in South Africa?

A recent study has shed some light on our country's techno-savvy, uncovering
some rather fascinating findings about everything from how active users are,
to times certain websites get the most visits, and even what exactly people
are getting up to at any given moment!

For example, did you know that the biggest percentage of South Africans on
Facebook are over 60? Yup, that's right!

So although you might find your mom's comments and pictures totally
embarrassing, the older folk are the biggest group of users in the country.
Kind of impressive, don't you agree?

The South African Social Media Landscape 2012 study, produced by technology
market researchers World Wide Worx and information analysts Fuseware, also
shows that South Africa has crossed the age barrier, the urban/rural divide
and even the relationship gap.

Here are some more figures:

. 5.33-million South Africans are using Facebook on the Web

. 6.8-million people access Facebook on their phones.

. Twitter gets 100 000 new users a month, with a total of 2,43-million
South African users.

. Mxit is used by whopping 9,35-million people

. LinkedIn has grown substantially, but at a slightly lower rate, to
reach 1,93-million South Africans.

. Pinterest is the least popular (and youngest) major social network,
with only 150 000 users in South Africa.

. WhatsApp has become the leading instant messaging tool among South
Africans aged 16 and over, living in cities and towns, with a user base of

. The youngest mobile instant messaging tool to emerge on the measurement
radar in South Africa, 2Go, has close to a million adult users

. The most common "Check In" sites for Facebook in South Africa are
airports and shopping malls.

. The biggest tweeting day of the week is a Monday, with an average of
9,6-million tweets sent by South Africans on the first working day of the
week. Friday is next, with 9.6-million, while Saturday is the slowest
Twitter day, with 8,4-million tweets.

. Both Facebook and Twitter have crossed the urban/rural divide. The
proportion of urban adults using Facebook is a little less than double rural
users while Twitter's urban penetration is a little more than double its
rural penetration.

. Both Facebook and Twitter have grown at a similar rate, at around 100
000 new users a month, for the past year.

my motto is "Keep it simple" and "don't leave anything for tomorrow that can
be done today."

If you have any questions or comments please contact me.

Regards Gerald

Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru

I'm protected by SpamBrave

Thursday 11 October 2012

Facebook Traffic Rules

Facebook Traffic Rules

Here are 10 statistics your Facebook Insights tell you about driving traffic
to your website:

1. The post type that drives the most traffic - Insights provides statistics
to analyze your content by post type; posts made directly on your page,
photos, links, videos, questions, posts from 3rd party apps. This data will
allow you to see which type of post generates the most engagement.

2. The gender and age of the people who like your page - Insights provides
statistics for how many females and males overall and the percentages of
each within 6 age brackets: 13-17, 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54 and 55+. This
data shows you which age bracket is most interested in your content.

3. Which countries liked your page the most - Insights provides statistics
for the top countries with the highest number of people who liked your page
during a specific period of time. This data provides a guide to making
decisions about marketing to different countries.

4. Which cities sent the most traffic - Insights provides statistics for the
top cities with the highest number of people who liked your page during a
specific period of time. This shows you which city has the most interest in
your content.

5. The most popular language of your traffic - Insights provides the number
of people who "Liked" your page during a specific time period broken down by
the top languages. This data show you the most popular language your
visitors speak.

6. Which post engaged your users the most - Insights provides the number of
unique people who have clicked on your post. The clicks are tracked up to 28
days after your post was originally published. You can view these statistics
for all post types or by a specific post. This data tells you which type of
post generates the most engagement from your traffic so you can create more
of that format.

7. Where your Likes came from - Insights provides statistics on "Like"
sources. You can see the number of times your page was liked, broken down by
where the like happened. Likes can happen in different places including your
Page, from News Feeds or on your website. This data can tell you which
source provided the most traffic to your page.

8. How many people unliked your page - Insights provides statistics on the
total number of unique people who unliked your page each day for a specific
period of time. This data gives you an idea of which type of post caused
people to unlike your page.

9. How many people your content reached - Insights provides statistics on
the number of unique people who were friends with the people who liked your
pages on a specific date - the number of uniques who have seen any content
associated with your page. This data tells you the total reach potential
your post had for your visitors and their friends.

10. Who is talking about your page - Insights provides statistics about the
percentage of people who share your info from each age and gender bracket.
The number of people who talked about your page is broken down by country
and city. This data tells you the number of unique people who shared your
post and the viral reach of your post.

If you have 30 people or more who have liked your Facebook Business Page,
you can access Insights to view your traffic activity.

my motto is "Keep it simple" and "don't leave anything for tomorrow that can
be done today."

If you have any questions or comments please contact me.

Regards Gerald

Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru

I'm protected by SpamBrave

Friday 5 October 2012

Facebook for Business

Facebook for Business

Facebook, of course, is the biggie. If you want to build long-term
relationships with your customers, convert one-time buyers into loyal fans,
and attract new customers, Facebook is where you should spend the bulk of
your time.

According to Facebook, more than 900 million people are active on the
website - and users like and comment to the tune of 3.2 billion times every
day. A strong presence on the platform will help ensure you get a piece of
that action. How? When your biz has become part of the conversation on
Facebook, you're getting one of the most powerful kinds of advertising on
the planet - viral word-of-mouth.

To get started, here's the official word from one of Facebook's business
help pages:

Image 1:

You can create traditional ads or advertise special offers that fans can
claim to encourage participation on your page. Facebook tries to help your
business gain as much exposure as possible by making friends eligible to
view fans' interaction with your page.

What's really cool about Facebook is that the recent IPO has caused
Zuckerberg and Co. to ramp up the tools, advertising options, and customer
service offered to businesses. You get the sweet end of that deal, and you
can expect more gadgets and goodies to come in the months going forward.

my motto is "Keep it simple" and "don't leave anything for tomorrow that can
be done today."

If you have any questions or comments please contact me.

Regards Gerald

Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru

I'm protected by SpamBrave

Monday 24 September 2012

Tactics for Social Media

Tactics for Social Media

Social media marketing has become an incredible power in the world of online
marketing. And why not? With an estimated 65% of Americans reporting that
they utilize social media sites, these types of networking hubs have become
the perfect place to reach out to any type of audience you wish to target.

Social media sites also allow businesses, big and small, to show a more
personal side of their brand. These sites open up different avenues to
creatively reach current and potential customers. Many brands put their own
videos, photos, articles and even coupons on their social media sites to
encourage engagement and boost sales.

However, each of these sites feature different ways to reach out to a broad
audience. In order to properly utilize this area of SEO, social media
marketing must be approached in a smart and strategic way. Some of the top
social media sites include Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. Depending on the
type of business you run and the overall goal you have for your social media
campaign, not all of these sites may perfectly help you convey your business
message and overall philosophy. Below are some brief outlines of what types
of marketing campaigns each of these sites works best for, followed by some
helpful tips to boost engagement on each specific social media site.


Facebook is a social networking site that allows companies to create "Pages"
to represent their brand. With the semi-recent transition to the timeline
format, Facebook brand pages read almost like a yearbook of accomplishments
for the company. Facebook is ideal for companies that are looking to create
a more personal and open relationship with their clients. Many companies
post photos and videos of new products, employee events and updates to their
page. Facebook also allows brands to host contests and conduct polls.

Tips for Engagement

1. Post at the Right Time of Day - Studies have shown that more people are
active on Facebook during the weekdays. Many studies have also shown that
posting between 11am-4pm EST is the most effective.

2. Ask a Question - Status updates that ask for the opinion of your fans
typically illicit more likes and comments. People like to share their
thoughts and feel that they have an influence on the brands they love.

3. Utilize Visuals, but Keep it Simple - It's important to not just make
posts that are purely words. Relevant photos, videos, and other graphics
have been shown to increase fan engagement. But it is important to keep
these posts simple. Fans tend to become less engaged if you post multiple
photos in a row, so choose wisely, and give your fans time to enjoy each
unique post.


Twitter is a 140-character playroom for celebrities, brands, politicians and
many others to express their thoughts and promote ideas in a quick and
simple way. Twitter gives you the ability to design a personal page with a
photo, 140-character biography and complete control over the background
wallpaper. Twitter's simplicity is why so many people use it to quickly
catch up on news from friends, their favorite companies and even their
horoscope. Twitter is ideal for companies that wish to share quick links
back to their website or blog, promotions, and reach particular groups or
people through the use of hashtags and direct messaging.

Tips for Engagement

1. Pay Attention to Hashtag Trends - When you are exploring your Twitter
homepage, pay special attention to the lower left hand corner of the page.
There you will see a small list of terms marked with a "#" and labeled
"Trending Now." These terms are called "hashtags" and they are used to group
together tweets sent out on the same topic. Be sure to pay attention to
these and when you see any that pertain to your business, include them in a
Tweet with a link back to your website.

2. "RT to Support!" - The "Retweet" is a great way to increase engagement
and gain more followers. When someone "retweets" something you post, it
becomes visible to all of his or her followers, and it can continue to move
from there. Adding "RT to Support" or some other variation like #RT or
#Retweet will help encourage others to retweet your post and therefore lead
to more retweets and visibility for your brand.


Google+ is an interesting combination of professional and playful. In some
ways, it works like Facebook, allowing you to provide status updates and
post on your friends' pages. However, it has some other features unique to
Google+ that allow it to be used as a purely professional resource as well.
With Google+ you can separate people into different groups making it easy to
create targeted messages based on who you want to see them. Google+ is best
for companies that wish to target different types of people and also for
those looking for a social networking site that combines playful and

Tips for Engagement

1. Use the "Circle" Feature - This feature allows you to group people on
your friends list and send specific marketing messages to them.

2. Comment Often - Be sure to engage with others. When someone shares an
article pertinent to your industry, thank him or her and share the link on
your own page. Hopefully they will return the favor.

3. Be Sure to Checkout Hangouts - Different brands will host video chats or
"live-streaming hangouts" to help connect better with fans. Attend often and
consider hosting your own.

By utilizing these social media sites for the correct purpose and in the
right way, you can significantly impact your online marketing goals. Knowing
the direction to go in will help you work smarter, not harder and put you
far ahead of the competition.

my motto is "Keep it simple" and "don't leave anything for tomorrow that can
be done today."

If you have any questions or comments please contact me.

Regards Gerald

Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru

I'm protected by SpamBrave

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Learning From Facebook's Mistakes

Learning From Facebook's Mistakes

Observers of Internet trends often pronounce that privacy is a fiction and
that it is futile to try to reclaim it. Whether that perspective is correct
or not does not matter when faced with a Complaint issued by the Federal
Trade Commission (FTC). The Facebook Complaint and Consent Order recently
issued by the FTC provides valuable lessons for how to stay out of the FTC's
crosshairs. Internet attorneys, businesses, consultants and advisors should
study what the FTC views as deceptive in order to make necessary adjustments
to business plans and operations.

In the U.S., there is no federal law that requires a website to have a
privacy policy. However, California requires any website that collects
personally identifiable information from California residents to have a
privacy policy. Therefore, in practice, based upon the California law, most
websites would be required to have a privacy policy. As far as the FTC is
concerned (which operates on the federal level), there is no absolute
requirement to have a privacy policy, but if a website does have a privacy
policy, failure to comply with the policy will be considered a deceptive
practice in violation of the FTC Act. As will be explored below, the FTC is
not shy at splitting hairs, in search of deceptive practice claims.

Below is a discussion of some of the more significant and relevant claims of
deceptive practices alleged by the FTC Complaint. It should be noted that in
the FTC Consent, Facebook denied all allegations.

1. Facebook privacy pages offered options to restrict profile information to
"Only Friend" or "Friends of Friends". However, even when such options were
selected, Facebook often still provided profile information to an
application that a Friend was using on their Facebook page. Such information
included a user's birthday, hometown, activities, interests, status updates,
marital status, education (e.g., schools attended), place of employment,
photos, and videos. Even though Facebook allowed users to restrict this
access through other pages, Facebook nevertheless represented, according to
the FTC, either expressly or by implication, that access could be limited to
"Friends" or "Friends of Friends" on the Profile Privacy Page, and did not
indicate that further actions would be required to restrict access to
applications of friends.

LESSON: As seen by the above claim, a disconnect between the Privacy Policy
and the technical personnel implementing strategies can result in a claim by
the FTC for deceptive practices. Furthermore, statements in a Privacy Policy
must be vetted to verify that they do not claim, or appear to claim, a
higher level of privacy than is actually provided.

2. In November, 2009, Facebook changed its privacy policy to designate
certain user information as "publicly available" which change applied
retroactively to information provided by users prior to the change. For
instance, many users selected privacy settings to (i) restrict profile
information from applications used by a Friend, (ii) restrict their Friends
List, and (iii) restrict access to profile pictures and pages from users
using the "search" function . To implement the privacy changes, Facebook
required each user to click through a multi-page notice, known as the
"Privacy Wizard." According to the FTC, the Privacy Wizard did not disclose
adequately that users no longer could restrict access to the
newly-designated publicly available information via their profile privacy
settings or that their existing choices to restrict access to such
information via these settings would be overridden.

The FTC alleged that the Privacy Wizard, either explicitly or by
implication, indicated that users would have "more control" over their
privacy settings, above the prior settings. Which the FTC claimed was not
the case. Facebook did not adequately explain that the new changes overrode
prior settings as to name, profile picture, gender, friend list, pages, or
networks. The FTC claimed that Facebook's failure to adequately disclose
these facts, in light of the representations made, constituted a deceptive
act or practice.

LESSON: Changes made retroactively to prior privacy settings without
informed consent, amounts to an unfair act or practice. The FTC requires
that (i) material changes to a Privacy Policy be conspicuously disclosed,
(ii) users affirmatively opt-in to material changes that affect personally
identifiable information previously collected, and (iii) material changes to
Privacy Policies be explained clearly and truthfully. As a note, the
simplest way to obtain affirmative consent is the next time a user comes to
the website, he or she is directed to an explanatory process and given the
option to consent to the new changes.

3. The FTC Complaint states numerous examples of statements from Facebook
that even though non-identifiable information is shared with advertisers so
that they can provide advertisements targeted to the particular user,
personally-identifying information is never provided to an advertiser
without prior consent of the user. However, the FTC noted that if ads were
clicked, then Facebook would provide to the advertiser a unique ID that
Facebook assigns to each user. Apparently, advertisers could use the ID to
identify the person. Then they could match criteria that they had selected
for serving ads to that person. (e.g., if the ad targeted 23-year-old men
who were "Interested In" men and "liked" a prescription drug, the advertiser
could ascribe these traits to a specific user), plus the date, time and ad
visited. Over time additional traits could be identified.

LESSON: This Claim is the easiest to understand and comply with. Personally
identifiable information can only be disclosed as set forth in a Privacy
Policy or in a manner otherwise consented to by the user.

BOTTOM LINE: Privacy Policies must be carefully drafted, and be clear and
accurate. Management and technical personnel should review and confirm the
contents of the Privacy Policy. Privacy Policies should be regularly
reviewed to verify that procedural or technical changes are reflected in the
Privacy Policy. Material changes to a Privacy Policy that affect previously
collected personal user information require affirmative consent from the
users. As a result of the FTC Consent, Facebook is now subject to detailed
scrutiny and reporting for the next 20 years. It's important to keep up with
changing Internet laws.

If you have any questions or comments please contact me.

Regards Gerald

Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru

I'm protected by SpamBrave

Understanding Social Networks

Understanding Social Networks

You know you should listen to your customers and you are aware that social
media has been the new way for people to express their opinions about
products and services. But what are the platforms available and what are the
differences between each one of them? Here is a quick guide for you:


What it is: It is the most popular social network with over 800 million
users. People usually build profiles to keep in touch with family and
friends. Lately it has been used by businesses as a marketing tool. On
Facebook people can send and receive messages, chat online, post pictures
and share links and videos. They can also "like" a page. There are six types
of pages: local businesses, companies, products, artists, entertainment and
community. Facebook offers many options to interact such as the Wall, photo
albums, comments space and the "like" button, where people click if they
like the comment or post. If users don't like something or someone, they
have the option of blocking the person's updates or deleting the person from
their profile.

What do you need to know: Facebook is a great way to generate customer
loyalty and there are many ways to do it. But because it's a very personal
network, people don't appreciate when businesses overload their pages with
information or un-wanted promotions and they usually block the pages if that
happens. The best way to increase interaction is by sharing useful content,
asking customers' opinions and giving quick answers - Facebook users really
expect you to reply A.S.A.P. In other words, show you care about them and
they'll care about you.

Vocabulary you need to know:

Wall - page where people post and receive comments;

NewsFeed - page where Facebook shows the users what is going on with friends
and pages they like. It shows popular posts first and then most recent ones.


What it is: It is a platform that shows real-time updates. On Twitter you
can choose which updates you want to see and you can also use the search
engine to look up other people's updates on a specific subject. Businesses
can use Twitter to inform about their products and services and to see what
people are saying about them. Twitter was created in 2006 as a texting
program and grew to be the only real-time information platform in the world.

What do you need to know: Twitter is a great way to spread the word about
your business. People sign up for it to get news before anyone else - so
make sure you post there first. Many times, news was on Twitter before it
appeared on big media channels such as CNN. Twitter updates can be only 140
characters long.

Vocabulary you need to know: Twitter has a very particular vocabulary. Users
are called Tweeters and are divided in two categories:

Followers - people that see your updates, and Following - people that you
choose to see updates from. Also, the updates - or the things you write -
are called tweets.


What it is: It is the first location based platform for mobile devices
(smart phones, iPods, iPads). It is not as popular as Facebook and Twitter,
but it has been growing fast. People use it to "check-in" at places and to
show their friends where they are. They can also leave comments and reviews
about the place they are at.

What do you need to know: Foursquare offers many tools to attract customers
to your venue and it is a great opportunity for a business to grow loyalty
and to get new customers. Facebook has a similar feature (Facebook Places)
but FourSquare lets customers write reviews right away and search for places
nearby. Businesses can use FourSquare to give away coupons, prizes and
virtual badges, making the whole experience feel like a fun game. The
platform offers a dashboard (a data report) where you can see when and how
many people went to your place.

REVIEW WEBSITES (Yelp, Google+, Urbanspoon, TripAdvisor, Superpages, Yahoo!
Local, MerchantCircle)

What it is: Websites that provide information about a business, including
location, hours of operations, amenities and customer reviews. Each website
has different features but they are all very similar in content.

What do you need to know: Review websites are really important for
businesses. Google revealed that 97% of customers look online for a new
place to go. And they are influenced by other people's opinion. So make sure
you monitor every website and respond to each bad review you get with an
explanation. Customers really appreciate it when a businesses' owner takes
the time to do it.


What it is: It is the newer social network out there. It's still in beta
phase (a testing period) but it promises wonders. There has been a lot of
talk about Google's new platform but the network was opened to the general
public in late September/2011. It is very similar to Facebook but it's
evolved around Google tools.

What do you need to know: Nothing yet. Google+ just launched its Business
pages and while big brands and professionals are crazy about it, customers
are not there yet. Keep one eye on it too. It could become a powerful
network once it incorporates all Google services.

If you have any questions or comments please contact me.

Regards Gerald

Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru

I'm protected by SpamBrave

Thursday 30 August 2012

Dress Up Your Company's Facebook Page

Dress Up Your Company's Facebook Page

Facebook can be a great marketing tool and communications outlet, but there
is only so much that you can say in brief status updates and plain-text
fields on your About page. If you really want to put Facebook to work for
your business, you'll need to explore the option of adding tabs-clickable
images of extra pages-to your profile. Done creatively, tabs encourage
visitor engagement and showcase your content. They let you post quizzes and
polls, and they can display your content from other social networks, such as
Twitter and Pinterest.

If you lack the coding skills to create custom tabs using Facebook's
development platform, the following Facebook apps can help. Some enable you
to apply fully customized Web pages as additional tabs-a great way to add
content about your products, services, and company culture.

1. Iframe Apps

The IFrame App is among the simplest for dressing up your Facebook presence.
Iframe Apps is one of the simplest custom tab wizards, letting you add two
tab pages to your Facebook Page. You can either specify an existing URL or
insert text and HTML to display on your custom tab, and define a specific
frame height to fit the length of your content. The "fan gate" feature lets
you display an image or custom text to encourage visitors to "like" you
before viewing the main content.

Keep in mind, though, that to insert HTML code with images or videos you'll
need to upload the files elsewhere since Iframe Apps doesn't offer online

The free service displays its logo on your page footer. The premium
services, starting at $9.90 per month after a free 7-day trial, allow you to
remove ads.

2. FanBuildr

Hosted iFrame offers a WSIWYG editor.
FanBuildr is a more advanced app that lets you add up to ten tab pages to
your Facebook Page. The free service is available to all pages with 25,000
fans or less, and shows a small promo on the footer of your custom tab page.
Its premium services, starting at $5 per month, remove ads and let you
create unlimited tabs.

When inserting your text or code for the custom tab, you can define
different content to display to visitors, depending on whether they "like"
your page. A WYSIWYG editor lets you format text and add links or images,
with both code and visual views. You can upload up to 25MB worth of files
per page-or 250MB and beyond if you subscribe to the premium services. You
can also enter your Google Analytics code to track traffic to your Facebook

3. Static Iframe Tab

Check out Static Iframe Tab for adding 20 or more tabs.
The Static Iframe Tab from Woobox lets you add over 20 tabs to your Facebook
page. The basic functionality is free, and free of Woobox branding.

What do you want to display on a tab? You can choose a URL, an image, or
HTML code. You can also specify a nonfan page source. A WSIWYG editor
enables formatting and edits, letting you switch between the code and visual
view. The free service includes visitor analytics to display stats for page
views, visits, and likes, segmented both by fans and nonfans who view your

Their premium services, starting at $10 per month, allow you to limit access
to the tab page-for instance, you can require users either to fill out a
form or to have a certain number of Facebook friends who like your page.

4. Extended Info

Extended Info lets you add a tab that's similar to and alongside the usual
About page, but with more details-so you can display things, such as
products, with text, HTML code, or videos. You can organize the content via
bulleted, numbered, or paragraph lists, each with a custom heading name.

5. Twitter Tab App

Extend your tweets to Facebook with Woobox.
Need to publicize your Twitter presence to your Facebook fan base? This free
app from Woobox adds a tab to your Facebook Page displaying your Twitter
Profile and Tweets, with a small ad link on the bottom of the tab.

In the Twitter tab settings you can choose to display all tweets or only
those containing a given search term. You can also optionally hide Tweets
that start with @ and hide your Twitter profile background. Additionally,
you can enable the fan gate so only Facebook users who "Like" you can see
your Twitter tab.

6. Pinterest Tab

Here's a great way to share your Pinterest content to Facebook users who
aren't on Pinterest. This free app, also from Woobox, puts a tab on your
Facebook Page showcasing your Pinterest boards and pins, with only a small
ad on the bottom. Facebook visitors can browse your Pin boards, and click on
them to view your Pins inside your Facebook tab page. When they click on a
Pin it opens a new browser window to the Pin on Pinterest.

You can choose to have your Pin tab show all or only select Pin boards-and
enable Facebook Like & Send buttons on Pins, to encourage visitors' sharing
to their Facebook friends. The Fan Gate feature allows only Facebook users
who "like" you to see your Pinterest tab.

7. Fan Appz

This free platform helps you add content and analyze your Twitter and
Facebook traffic. Fan Appz lets you post updates to both social sites at
once, target specific countries and languages, schedule posts in advance,
and create and publish quizzes and polls. Image-based polls let you give
users a list of images-maybe of your products-and they can share their
preferred top five.

The premium services, designed for larger fan pages, let you create and
publish promotions, including special offers, sweepstakes, challenges, and
rewards. You can create a gift store and games, and manage your Places and
Events. You'd also be able to view the analytics of your posts, engagements,
and promotions-all with support for Google Analytics.

If you have any questions or comments please contact me.

Regards Gerald

Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru

I'm protected by SpamBrave

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Meet Facebook's Oldest User

Meet Facebook's Oldest User

There are 955 million active users on Facebook - and not all of them are in
their teens or 20s. The fastest-growing demographic on the service, for at
least the last two years, has been women over 55.

And with that in mind, we invite you to meet the delightful Florence Detlor,
101 years young. According to Facebook, she has the distinction of being the
service's oldest user. She's also the oldest person to visit Facebook HQ,
where she met with COO Sheryl Sandberg, along with a guy young enough to be
her great-grandchild: Mark Zuckerberg, CEO and founder.

Sandberg posted the above picture on her Timeline early Monday, along with
the caption: "Honored to meet Florence Detlor, who at 101 years old is the
oldest registered Facebook user. Thank you for visiting us Florence!"

The photo has garnered more than 5,000 Likes - and comments from users with
102 and 103-year-old grandparents, both eyeing Florence's title.

According to her profile, Florence graduated from Occidental College in
1932. She lives in Menlo Park - coincidentally enough, where Facebook is now
headquartered - and is "looking for a good book to read." She joined
Facebook three years ago this month, in August 2009.

If you have any questions or comments please contact me.

Regards Gerald

Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru

I'm protected by SpamBrave

Sunday 26 August 2012

Earn Money Using Facebook

Have you ever toyed with the idea of making money using a popular social
networking platform like Facebook? Yes, this is true that you can make money
using the strong power of Facebook to attract people. Millions of people
are using Facebook for its obvious feature of connecting to other people.
They use this for online socializing with other people, their friends,
colleagues, batch mates and more, to chat or to have fun. At the same time,
many people are using this beautiful and easy to use platform.

You can start earning those extra bucks in a few simple and quick steps.

Create your identity

The first step for making money on Facebook requires you to register
yourself. While registering, create an identity that represents your
profession, vocation or hobby which you want to use to earn money here. But,
make sure not to create a fake impression, just be yourself and show what
you want to display to other people.

The most important thing is to try to be known as an expert on the topic you
are dealing with. In addition, your main objective here is to attract
attention of a specific group of people.

Choose a popular Niche

Earning money requires selling products and services that large numbers of
people demand for. If you want to earn money quickly, make sure to choose a
popular niche. In addition, you should also have an interest in that field.
Develop your expertise in the field and showcase your portfolio and
products. Moreover, if you already have your web presence in the field, you
can use that to attract people. It will help people know more about you,
your work, your skills, experiences and expertise. You can place your free
ads in the marketplace.

Main advantage of Facebook

Facebook offers you an extensive range of features to help you develop a
number of applications to perform a particular task on your profile page.
Moreover, if you use Facebook for earning money, it won't stop you from
doing that. Isn't it a great news! You can link this page to outside
websites also. In addition, if you brand yourself before using Facebook,
you have chances of earning more money.

This is partly why you will succeed in making more money from Facebook if
you brand yourself carefully before you get started on the site.

How to brand yourself

If you have a website already running, it would be the best idea to keep the
look and feel of your Facebook page. Also you can place your affiliate links
on your Facebook page.

Develop a network of friends

Apart from taking all these steps, another most important job is to develop
a network of friends and establish yourself as an expert in the field.
Adding more friends in your network will help you earn more money. However,
while making friends, your aim should not be making money; rather your aim
should be to create more exposure for your services and products. And you
will see money will follow.

If you have any questions or comments please contact me.

Regards Gerald

Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru

I'm protected by SpamBrave

Thursday 23 August 2012

Linkedin on rise as Facebook struggles

Linkedin on rise as Facebook struggles

There's no such thing as a free lunch. It's an age-old adage meaning,
basically, you don't get something for nothing.

That's the quandary on Wall Street as Facebook, the world's largest social
media networking company, struggles following its May IPO. By all accounts,
the Mark Zuckerberg-founded company holds the title for the worse initial
public offering in history and brings into question the company's business
model of trying to get rich while giving away a service; and whether it can
be done successfully.

With more than 900 million users worldwide, Facebook fetches $3.7 billion a
year without charging their loyal audience for its services. In return,
Facebook gains the much coveted personal information marketers will pay
dearly to have.


Is Mark Zuckerberg to blame for Facebook stock plummet?

"Free serves purposes, but you have to go beyond free to make some money,"
professor Rita McGrath, who teaches corporate strategy at Columbia Business
School, said.

A good example is that of fellow social-media company LinkedIn. The
business-oriented site, which has effectively redefined business networking,
has seen its stock mount a 65 percent increase this year thanks to a balance
of advertising fees and charging users for premium services.

There are several reasons, other than fees for premium services, that
LinkedIn has outpaced Facebook.

LinkedIn has a more professional feel than Facebook, despite the presence of
major global businesses on the site.

Advertising on LinkedIn is only 28 percent of its profits, while it
comprises 85 percent of revenue for Facebook.

LinkedIn learned quickly how to play the Wall Street odds and exceed
analysts' expectations. In fact, it has crushed estimates for 4 out of the 5
previous quarters.

Facebook, on the other hand, has underwhelmed Wall Street from nearly the
beginning; prompting angry investors to file a class action lawsuit and just
last week billionaire Peter Thiel divested his company of nearly 20.1
million in Facebook stock following the expiration of a lock-up agreement.

"Facebook is in a pickle," Donna Hoffman, co-director of the Sloan Center
for Internet Retailing at the University of California at Riverside, told
the Washington Post. "The advertising broadcast model is dead wrong for this
medium. .?.?. It can never work."

Only time will tell.

If you have any questions or comments please contact me.

Regards Gerald

Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru

I'm protected by SpamBrave

Facebook talks big data

Facebook talks big data

Facebook invited a handful of tech journalists to its Menlo Park campus on
Wednesday for a briefing on how the world's biggest social network uses

Lots of data.

Every day, Facebook users share 2.5 billion unique pieces of content -
including photos, videos, wall posts, updates and comments. Those users hit
the "like" button, either on Facebook or on other sites, some 2.7 billion
times a day.

They also upload 300 million photos a day. And all told, Facebook's system
must ingest more than 500 terabytes of data every day.


Jay Parikh, a Facebook vice president for infrastructure, gave the group a
quick rundown on some of the software systems that Facebook has developed to
handle that deluge of data. He also said the company is constantly finding
new ways to use its data - creating new lists of suggested friends, for
example, refining its system for auctioning advertisements, or tracking how
different ads are received by different groups of users, based on gender,
location and other characteristics.

The company also makes extensive use of "a/b testing," a concept also
employed heavily at Google. The idea is to offer different versions of each
new idea or feature to different subsets of users, to see which is better
received. Facebook runs "tens of thousands" of such experiments "at any
point in time," Parikh said.

Facebook approaches data somewhat differently than other big companies,
Parikh boasted, explaining that Facebook makes all of its data available for
all of its divisions, so individual product groups don't face bureaucratic
hurdles when they want to examine data from other segments of the company.

"We build one product. On our home page you get recommendations,
advertisements, notifications andmessages. There are hundreds of different
systems but it all has to come together in one unified user experience," he

But in answer to a question, Parikh said the company has strict rules
governing how employees can use that data. User information is anonymized,
and the company keeps track every time an engineer accesses any data. "We
train people on how they can use data and we have zero tolerance for abuse,"
he added.

If you have any questions or comments please contact me.

Regards Gerald

Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru

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